Stuffed Animal Collectio: Becky's Been Busy!

Hi everyone! It's been a while, and I have been busy, busy, busy! This fall Jenn and I have been making hand knit dishcloths with special designs on them! Sher Con took the pumpkin one we made first, - He called it a blanket! - Jenn is still just a little upset about that, but honestly for us stuffed animals it's big enough to be a blanket to us. But we want you to know their purpose is washing dishes. - especially the holiday ones! - Right, especially the holiday dishes. It adds a festive mood to the less than desirable chore of clean up after all that feasting and holiday cooking, (or so I've been told).
Anyway, we've been busy knitting and documenting the designs so we can show everyone how to make them, they are just so fun! We've made four so far and will take them with us to the service auction. Later, Chi Chi will report how much they went for. It should be loads of fun! Last year we took 2. A pumpkin, and a Christmas tree and both went for around 100 service $. the pumpkin was Just under the Christmas tree a little over. It made us feel really good about how well liked they were, so this year as we work, we are writing what we do.
There's still lots of editing to do, but we have a healthy head start to next years project - Holiday Design Dishcloth patterns! I'm excited 'cause we can include all the holidays and even some flower ones for spring! I love flowers, they're so tasty! - for monkeys anyway - Humans don't have the stomach to digest them, Jenn says that's ok she just likes to smell and look at them. - And draw them of course!
Well, I'd better get back to work. we have a lot more flower postcards to make before the end of the year!


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