Updates on my life as a craftsperson and artist (Sher Con the Great Retires)

I am writing a fantasy novel. It has been going on for about a year now. I currently have 22600 words of a rough draft typed into a wattpad draft. (I'm only using it to keep track of the words - like a free version of google docs. idk. I want to illustrate it with drawings and paintings of my characters and the scenery, along with some floorplans (like for the inn and bar etc.) and maps. both city and countryside detailed and broad. I'm creating a whole world here where demons angels faith and mythological creatures are all real, and miracles happen all the time. people call it magic, it starts out sort of dystopian but I plan to weave a bit more fantasy in as I go along. I hope to make it so real that people who read can't be sure if it is real, or if it's Fantasy.
I wrote a song over the course of the 2020 -22 covid pandemic, and I only need a singer, or myself, with some background instruments to sing and record it. (I have not figured out the melody yet.) I have the lyrics published as Pandemic Faith in my book on wattpad called Random & Raw. I'm trying to update it regularly, but with all that's going on... - Personal stuff as well as writing my novel, and oh yeah trying to build out a School bus to RV conversion and film amap for youtube, and keep that going with uploads going public every week (sat @6pm) currently only has nature footage, no bus build series yet, not all filmed and just not ready to do that, I'm unorganized and can't get the hubby to commit seriously enough to have content from the build every week - Don't Fault Him He Has A Full Time JOB and the BUILD is enough PRESSURE. never mind being on camera, and explaining what he's doing.
So my Random & Raw may not get updated with new stuff (my story is priority here) but I will try to filter through all the stuff on all my blogs and include some of the best in Random & Raw  which I aim to make a collection of poetry and short essays (written in different voices from this blog) and perhaps some from the painting blog. (I may revive that one too) 
For now I am keeping this as my main blog, and the one I will update once a month (I hope) with new post creations. perhaps only pictures and short blurbs from my Stuffed Animal Collection characters. Sher Con the Great has become very lazy lately, and so I feel fairly safe attempting to revive this blog from under him. lol.


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