my Redbubble has been updated

 ok so today I took a little bit of time to update my redbubble account with a few new photos. I added some photos of pigions. 5 photos to be exsact.  the photos are from when we were living off ramsey st, but I edited them just 2 days ago. added color saturation and croped out the background and generally fixed them up some. don't know what it will bring but I'm planing on doing the same to my other photo printing sites. Diviantart, threadless, zazzle.... all of which have a system for making prints of photos, allowing a photographer the ability to sell the photographs and recieve a minimal markup for taking and in some cases editing a photo. hoping my photography has improved enough to maybe sell some prints, t shirts, hats and things, cause I could really use the extra $$ right about now!!! the photos you see here are just a few that I have done.


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