Pigion zazzle T-shirt design

Pigion Poetry Inspiration
that's right, I made a t-shirt design on Zazzle! I thought I'd share with all my blogger friends and followers, and I'd also like to ask for some help. I'd like to brainstorm some tags for this. so far I have a few simple ones: Pigions, Photography, Poetry, and Philosophical. I'm not sure it could be called philosophical or not, but that's what I got. 
I'm not sure if people would look for poetry on a t-shirt, but I guess that's where I'm putting this poem I wrote. it's called "Pigions in the Yard"
"Yard full of bounty,
Peck and scratch the soil,
No cares for tomarrow.
Today you work and toil,
Tomarrow enjoy your spoil."

tell me what you think!


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